Following on from a meeting that core group members from SFGB and MY FLIXTON NEIGHBOURHOOD PLANNING GROUP had earlier this week with Council Leader Andrew Western and his team, we can confirm that this communities 3 year battle to protect our Green Belt maybe finally drawing to a close.
Full and permanent protection for Willy Wroe is being put forward for executive approval on March 16th from when the next phase of future community use begins.
We will have more details to share in the coming weeks so please watch this space.

Paul🌳 Steve🌳Ange ðŸŒ³Celia ðŸŒ³Helen ðŸŒ³ Mark ðŸŒ³Barbara ðŸŒ³Stephen ðŸŒ³Matt and all the rest of the hard working TEAM SFGB


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