

Well who would have thought it. After 3 and a half long years of campaigning we made it. On the *16th March 2020* Trafford Council Ruling Executive approved removing the threat of development plus voting to secure the land for recreation in perpetuity via ' Village Green Status' A big big thank you from the community must go to Council Leader Andrew Western and his team for making good on their commitments.   Thanks must also go to our local MP Kate Green who raised our issue in parliament. Massive thanks to you the community supporting us and sticking with it.  But the biggest thanks is reserved to the brilliant team behind this campaign and all who have contributed to create this conclusion. Paul🌲  Steve🌲  Angela🌲  Helen🌲  Mark🌲  Celia🌲  Barbara🌲  Stephen🌲  Matt🌲 💚💚🌲🌳TEAM SFGB🌳🌲💚💚 More news on the sites future community use will follow. *Website issues caused late posting. Apol...


Following on from a meeting that core group members from SFGB and MY FLIXTON NEIGHBOURHOOD PLANNING GROUP had earlier this week with Council Leader Andrew Western and his team, we can confirm that this communities 3 year battle to protect our Green Belt maybe finally drawing to a close. Full and permanent protection for Willy Wroe is being put forward for executive approval on March 16th from when the next phase of future community use begins. We will have more details to share in the coming weeks so please watch this space. Paul 🌳  Steve 🌳 Ange  🌳 Celia  🌳 Helen  🌳  Mark  🌳 Barbara  🌳 Stephen  🌳 Matt and all the rest of the hard working TEAM SFGB

Although it has been quiet for news we have been busying ourselves behind the scenes and helping compile this summer update with My Flixton NPG to give you a summary of the work they are doing plus where we are at with some of the local issues we are currently dealing with plus a community update on wildlife, local interest group and some interesting local history.

UPDATE – SUMMER 2019 Welcome to our second edition of  Update! We have a great issue lined up – with lots of news and items of interest about our area! See below for more details: NEWS, NEWS, NEWS! – page 2. Coming Soon – our first Forum meeting planned – page 6. First Flixton Beavers – Fun, Friends and Zip-Wires – page 8. Saving the George H. Carnall – page 9. The Flixton Fisher - a flash of Azure – page 11. The William Wroe – latest position – page 12. The Disappearance of Shaw Town & Shaw Hall – page 14. NEWS, NEWS, NEWS! By Barbara and Stephen Harper To recap - where we left off last time… You might recall that we told you that detailed draft documents making the case for the proposed Neighbourhood Boundary and for the Forum had been prepared. These were put together by the team with comments from our advisers. We sent these documents to Trafford Planners for them to look at informally before submitting them to the Council for considera...

G H Carnall Consultation Drop in Events a Success

May saw two events arranged by Trafford Council and ourselves for the community to finally have their say on the future of this much loved, much used Leisure Centre and Social Hub. This has followed two and a half years of uncertainty surrounding the centre which has been fuelled with a long list of untruths and stories pedalled by people that want the centre shut because of the land it occupies, regardless of it's unquestioned value to the community and it's undoubted potential to pay for itself when run properly by those very people, had they cared about it's future security and the impact it would have on the community if it did. The events were held on May 21st at GHC and 30th May at Urmston  Library. Both events were attended by Council Leader Andrew Western and virtually all of our local elected representatives. Here are a few pictures from the events If you were unable to attend any of the events but want a say in the future of th...