G H Carnall Consultation Drop in Events a Success

May saw two events arranged by Trafford Council and ourselves for the community to finally have their say on the future of this much loved, much used Leisure Centre and Social Hub. This has followed two and a half years of uncertainty surrounding the centre which has been fuelled with a long list of untruths and stories pedalled by people that want the centre shut because of the land it occupies, regardless of it's unquestioned value to the community and it's undoubted potential to pay for itself when run properly by those very people, had they cared about it's future security and the impact it would have on the community if it did. The events were held on May 21st at GHC and 30th May at Urmston Library. Both events were attended by Council Leader Andrew Western and virtually all of our local elected representatives. Here are a few pictures from the events If you were unable to attend any of the events but want a say in the future of th...