
Showing posts from December, 2017

Cordial Meeting May Have Publishing Delay

Hi folks just a quick heads up on Mondays meeting with Sean Anstee and Chief Strategic Planner and others. We are in the process of documenting the minutes. The meeting was fairly lengthy and to deliver it as true as we can may take some time as we also have to allow TBC to approve what we have as we set out in our pre meeting offer. Christmas is likely to delay this process so we anticipate early January for publishing. Please be patient. 🌳 🌳 🌳  SFGB  🌳 🌳 🌳
This week has not been the best week for our campaign. A political bias appears to have been sought by other campaigners in our community that although outwardly want the same outcome ie no building on our precious green belt have decided to openly criticise the support from which we might add was given from the start from our MP Kate Green and leader of the opposition labour group Andrew Western. As we have stated from the start of this thing, help contains no conditions. This community can only gain the required result by being united and we guarantee that our fight will not include any rhetoric that is not justified. On the record we have stated that this issue would've been dealt with the same vigour had Trafford been Labour controlled. Wednesday 30/11/2017 saw a motion by the labour group to remove our precious green from the GMSF. The ruling Conservatives refused a vote on the motion which was against the constitution of the council. Labour withdrew from the meeting on a p...